Friday, September 9, 2011

Maurice Chevalier

This Frenchman is dazzling with his straw hat...Even the Marx Brothers imitated this charming Frenchman. "Isn't It Romantic" was sung in part by Chevalier in a movie. This song is considered one of the best of all time. Many people do not know it has words because it is played so often as just orchestra, however Chevalier sang it. It is one of the few songs that rhymes before it starts, which makes the writers especially unique, the name of the movie slipped from me but it is a good movie and the songwriting is phenomenal and if you're reading this blog, hopefully a name you will recognize. Oh by the way I removed the link to that but if you want to check out part of isn't it romantic and other escapades, check out go to my uploads. If you don't see it there it may be because it's illegal in your country because it is saying that I infringed on some copyright laws, even though I've been doing this for awhile....sometimes youtube and stuff is weird.

"Do we wish you were an american, yes"
"I hope when I"m 77 sir that I have as good of company...(and so on)
Priceless stuff.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I told you more What's My Line was coming.

I love Johnny Olson in this. He is great at the voices. They cannot figure out their own announcer!

I also love the dead giveaway videos. They are all comedians of  course that kind of bust in to reveal their identities. Love the cane with Burns and Allen, gotta love Gracie's dumb quip. Love Burn's response! I couldn't help but think that's why George would always make remarks about being the one that brought in the money with his act, moments like that I don't think George thought ever to write in...but it was sooo loveable. Then I also especially loved Martin and Lewis!!! Of course Jerry had to act stupid, with Jerry I find it obnoxious but I've always found it a kind of obnoxious...great comedian though. Liked Dean too pointing to himself wanting the attention saying me me, let me answer....But with Jerry's kidish nature in their shows, of course...Ernie Novacks.Dorthy's reaction with Mr. Cerf's.classic.
One of my favorite episodes though, is Jack Benny. Jack Benny never needed to say a joke in his life. He'd just watch a funny situation, look at the audience, the hilarity comes out with no joke about it. No need to make jokes or crack at people all the time, just look at the audience like they already get it.He also went up to kiss one of the panelist when she asks if he is handsome?!? Hilarious. Jack hits Daly...oh more hilarities, just watch it please.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dean Martin

Here are some youtube videos I made and they tell alot about Dean Martin. If you want to know alot about what I know or are intrigued, read the suggested books....Dean and Me by Jerry Lewis or Memories are Made of This by his daughter. GO GO GO! (as Dean might say)


You dirty rat you…

They have so much fun…
Credit to the gifs to
Just sharing some comedic partners Dean had. And some of his charm.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Si, sye, sue (and sometimes sew)

Jack Benny, did this all the time. Mel blanc had many voices (did alot for looney tunes). On Johnny Carson's Tonight Show, he said one time that Jack threw in an extra question, what does your sister do? Sew was Mel Blanc's reply.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Lambchops: Burns and Allen 1929

Burns and Allen...Well 1929...OLD! And they're talking! It was pretty awesome. In their old acts they both played the straight and monkey parts...I think right now they're getting the hang of it. couldn't have been too long before that they were in it.It just amazes me the year 1929 and talking. Smart act and still has the awesome smart jokes that are a bit cheesy.