Friday, August 24, 2018

Kathy Seeley talks about Jack Benny

This episode is on the podcast but if you would rather listen on YouTube, we discuss podcasts and YouTubers and how Jack Benny could teach a thing or two to some young creators. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Who Mae West Was

There is so much you can say about Mae West.
I couldn't even start talking about the rumors her jailer when she was arrested for starring in the show "Sex" let her out early and she dined with him!
But to get a basic summary of who this woman is that is still risque 125 years after her birth-

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Who is Rose Marie?

Yes, I created another YouTube Channel. 
Well, to make a long story short, YouTube politics. 
I went to Vidcon and had a talk with professionals about my channel. 
I decided that it would be best to test this theory of mine.
That my content isn't COMPLETE crap.
That there is somewhat of an audience for what I'm making.
After all, I'm passionate about it and I can't be the only one.
So PLEASE like, share, and comment on the video.
Even if you saw it before on my old channel. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Mark Malkoff--Polite Persistence & Johnny Carson

Guys I am so excited to show off this project I have been working on!!!

I have been a long time listener of The Carson podcast (since 2014, when podcasts were fairly new). You should totally take a listen to his podcast.

 Mark Malkoff is an incredibly funny comedian and a darn good interviewer. You can check out some of his videos like where he lived in Ikea for a week or slept with celebrities in the playlist below

 We talk about his podcast, who Johnny Carson is, and how he has been able to accomplish some insane things just by asking, with polite persistence.

 Also for anyone wondering, Mark was extremely down to earth and I can't believe how gracious he has been along with everyone else being incredibly supportive.